The Advertising 'Barbarians'

The Advertising Barbarians fixture is, today, as fiercely contested as the 1st XV match and has, over the years, arguably produced more open and more entertaining rugby from the spectators' viewpoint.

The English and French Barbarians teams are a rich mixture of vets who should know better and the young and fleet of foot who have yet to learn...

We established the Barbarians fixture in 1994 and have reached the present day with the English Barbarians massively in the lead in the series and, in fact, unbeaten until 2009 and then only be a two point margin.

Part of the Barbarians ethos is that scores and scorers are never recorded so, while we can say that the current status is EAARFC Barbarians p.16 w.15, we can remember no more. Thus, when rugby stories are exchanged in the bar it is open to any member of our illustrious pink shirted team to step into the limelight and describe a match-winning exploit and, who knows? - it might be true.

The Barbarians are now firmly established as part of the Advertising Rugby tradition and we look forward to continuing this fixture alongside the 1st XV 'International' in the years to come.

2000 - the Barbarians at Rugby School.