
A match sponsor is essential and, over the years, we have been fortunate with support from The Wace Group, TV-AM, Eurosport, Carlton, GTL, Kingston Smith, Moriati, Balanced People and Fitting Exposure. Our sponsors speak well of us and we do all we can to promote their interests.

For a home fixture our costs are substantial as we have to fund the complete cost of the weekend, apart from incoming travel costs. In addition to match sponsorship, we raise a proportion of the costs through company sponsorship of selected players and, being advertising people, we publish a match programme and sell programme advertising to raise additional revenue.

For away matches, the costs are still significant but, with a main sponsor combined with player sponsorship, we are able to meet the costs of travel, insurance, kit, trophies etc etc and remain marginally solvent. Most companies sponsor their players (the 2009 cost was £200 +VAT), nowadays the price of a decent lunch for three or four in the West End (or Ludlow), but some, alas, do not - we've never really understood why...

Home Match Sponsor Benefits

As a minimum....

- other sponsor-supportive activities depend, to an extent, on the sponsor's business objectives. We have offered, in the past, to make the team available for an additional match to support the sponsor in some way and this remains one option.

Sponsors for the next two years, in France in 2010 and in England in 2011, are now being actively sought and a sponsorship proposal is available.