
Nearly 300 players have represented the EAARFC since 1983 and they are shown below in alphabetical order with the first year of involvement.

There have been many outstanding performances but pride of place goes to Stefan Skrzynski who played in the first match and still turns out for the Barbarians, missing a perfect record only because of a serious car crash from which he made a miraculous recovery - but there is a cautionary tale - scroll down to the end of the list to discover one of the lesser-known effects of advertising rugby...

Adams David (2005)
Adams Garth (2007)
Adams Matt (2008)
Aldersley Warwick (2000)
Anderson Maverick (2004)
Andrews Matthew (1994)
Austin Mark (1985)
Baker Clive (1991)
Ball Dean (2000)
Ball Simon (1983)
Banks Hamish (1983)
Basil-Jones Stuart (1987)
Bellerby Kirk (2004)
Benson Tim (1998)
Blatcher Niall (1991)
Bolton Martin (2004)
Bolton-Smith Ben (2009)
Bond Richard (1995)
Boot Heath (1998)
Boucher Andy (1992)
Boyce Marcellus (2000)
Bradbury Paul (1996)
Brayne-Nicholls Richard (2001)
Broadfield Peter (1984)
Brooke Richard (1993)
Brown Steve (1993)
Brown Will (2004)
Burnard Phil (2009)
Burke John (1984)
Byrd Andy (1984)
Calloway Chris (2009)
Carmichael Chris (2001)
Carney Paul (1994)
Carr Paul (1993)
Carroll Toby (2009)
Carthew Tim (1989)
Cartmell Sam (1997)
Case Mike (1987)
Cass Martin (1993)
Cattermole Duncan (1994)
Cavers Mike (2001)
Chambers Steve (1997)
Chapman Oliver (2003)
Chate Fred (2003)
Chesworth Nick (1985)
Clarke Jeffrey (2001)
Clarke Paul (1999)
Cleary Andy (2001)
Clements Ashley (2005)
Clements James (2005)
Cohen Nick (2007)
Colangelo Fran (2009)
Coles Chris (1996)
Collis Andy (1984)
Connor Steve (2007)
Corlett Steve (1999)
Cowley Dean (1983)
Cox Jeff (1984)
Cox John (2007)
Cresswell Phil (1991)
Cridland Lucas (1994)
Crouch Phil (2008)
Cumming Andy (2001)
Curtis Charlie (2006)
Dahill Richard (1987)
Daniel R. (1991)
Davey Andy (2005)
Davies Matt (2005)
Davis Simon (1997)
Dempsey Giles (2004)
Denny Rupert (1995)
Dickinson Ed (1999)
Djaba Magnus (1999)
Donat Jasper (1992)
Douneen Paddy (1994)
Dow Peter (1987)
Draycott Andy (2001)
Duffield David (2006)
Dutton Gary (2006)
Eastwood Matt (1996)
Eden Paul (1995)
Edmonds Phil (1998)
Ellory Theo (2000)
Etherington-Brees Stuart (2006)
Evans Ross (2001)
Everitt Rupert (1990)
Fairbie Jeremy (1990)
Farjami Sharb (2001)
Farman Dan (1994)
Farmer Jono (2006)
Farmer Rob (1997)
Farrell Conn (2007)
Fenner Gary (1992)
Ferguson Euan (1995)
Fineman David (2004)
Firth Hugo (2001)
Fletcher Wayne (1983)
Fokes Nick (2000)
Ford Adrian (1993)
Forder Oliver (2001)
Fowler Rory (1995)
Frappell Will (2005)
Furby Jay (1993)
Furness John (1983)
Garret Scott (1992)
Garrett Rupert (1994)
Gault Mark (1983)
Geoghegan Jamie (2004)
Gibbs Guy (1999)
Gibson Lee (1999)
Giddy Jamie (2007)
Giddy Nick (2007)
Gillespie Jonathan (2006)
Gingall Luke (1999)
Gold Mike (1983)
Goldstein Amir (2006)
Gordon Rory (1995)
Gregory Owen (2006)
Gregory Richard (2007)
Griffiths James (2003)
Grout Steve (2000)
Gunnell Craig (2008)
Gurkovsky Georges (1999)
Gyss Nick (1996)
Hamer Mike (1983)
Hamilton Duncan (1994)
Harmer David (1992)
Harper Keith (2005)
Hart Matt (2006)
Hawtrey-Woore Simon (1993)
Hayes Jim (2000)
Hayter Jez (1999)
Head Henry (2001)
Heath Chris (1987)
Hibbert Stuart (1999)
Hickey Brian (1999)
Hickford Paul (1985)
Hill Martin (1998)
Hoadley Ed (2009)
Hoare Oliver (2005)
Holgate Nik (2004)
Holmes Dan (2009)
Hopkins Steve (2003)
Horley Alex (2007)
Hosford Dan (2005)
Hunt Steve (2006)
Huntley Mark (1989)
Hyatt Andrew (2004)
Hyde Ben (2004)
Inyundo Boko (2003)
Jackson Tony (1991)
Jarrett Mark (1999)
Jefferson Sean (1996)
Jenner Sam (2003)
Johnson Tim (2005)
Joiner Chris (2000)
Jones Colin (1989)
Jones Matt (2005)
Jones Stefan (1991)
Joyce Oliver (1999)
Kearns Steve (1998)
Keaveney Tom (1995)
Knowles Adrian (2006)
Kyffin David (1985)
Lamb Nathan (2005)
Lennox Alistair (1991)
Lennox Graeme (1993)
Lever-Heaton Geoff (1987)
Lewis Chris (2007)
Lewis Jamie (1996)
Lewsey Ed (2001)
Lilley Peter (1995)
Little Simon (1994)
Livi Frederic (1997)
Loakman Peter (1983)
Lockwood Barry (2005)
Lodder Simon (2001)
Lofting Nick (1995)
Long Chris (1999)
Loosemore Andrew (2007)
Luke Oliver (2008)
Macdonald James (1993)
Mainwaring Huw (1983)
Mallins Adam (2004)
Mallion Mickey (2009)
Marvel Nick (1997)
Mason Oliver (2006)
Mathewson Torquil (2001)
Mawer Jason (1996)
McCabe Tim (1993)
McCoy Lorcan (2009)
McGrain David (1987)
McLellan Jamie (1995)
McNamara Brian (2008)
McSweeney Mike (2004)
Merlini Tony (2009)
Miller Bill (1993)
Millner Ian (1995)
Milne David (2000)
Minekis Scott (2009)
Molyneux Mike (1989)
Monge Chris (1984)
Montgomery Andy (1996)
Moody Niall (2008)
Moorhead Scott (2006)
Morewood Richard (2000)
Moss Elliott (1994)
Mott Ben (2001)
Mott Oliver (2001)
Mott Tim (1983)
Murch Adam (1984)
Murphy Cathal (2005)
Murray Gerard (1997)
Myers Richard (2003)
Nash Adrian (1989)
Needs George (2008)
Neilson Percy (2000)
Neish Richard (2004)
Nichols John (1983)
Nichols Mike (1983)
Noble Josh (2008)
Nunn James (1999)
O’ Connor Andy (2000)
O’ Siochain David (2008)
Oliveira Mike (1983)
Oxtoby Richard (2004)
Pain Ben (2001)
Pannatier Thierry (1989)
Parker Mike (1996)
Parker Steve (1996)
Pearson Hal (1993)
Perez John (1991)
Petty Tom (1993)
Phipps Johnathan (2006)
Poole Steve (1999)
Quick Rob (1997)
Quilter Matthew (2003)
Rae Andy (1996)
Rastelli Nic (2007)
Rawlings Martin (2005)
Reed Ben (2004)
Refell Clive (1987)
Reilly Mike (1990)
Rhys-Jones Giles (1996)
Ridsdale Phil (2009)
Ringshall James (1993)
Robinson Ian (1994)
Robinson James (2009)
Robinson Tony (1995)
Roles James (2000)
Ross-Bell Justin (1996)
Samuel Tim (2004)
Schueller Guillaume (2008)
Scott Mark (2000)
Sedgwick Mickey (2009)
Seidu Robert (2006)
Sellers Toby (2003)
Shaw Martin (1996)
Short Ben (1995)
Short Bob (1995)
Short Cameron (1996)
Sinfield Daniel (2001)
Skinstad Andy (2006)
Skrzynski Stefan (1983)
Smallwood Glen (1995)
Smith Julian (1996)
Smith Marc (1989)
Smithers Tim (2000)
Sparey Nick (1991)
Speed Luke (2005)
Spicer Mike (1996)
Stansfield Tony (1983)
Strong Simon (1998)
Sullivan Alan (1999)
Sussum Rob (2005)
Sweeney James (2005)
Symon Graeme (2004)
Tansey Rob (1996)
Tapper Lawrence (2009)
Thirlwall Ben (2004)
Thomson Ian (2000)
Thornton Ben (2003)
Timms Alistair (1985)
Todd Les (2005)
Tournes Ian (1993)
Townsend Matt (2003)
Tredwell Paul (1983)
Turnbull Rupert (2000)
Tuson James (2007)
Tynne Ben (1998)
Vickers Patrick (2003)
Voysey Mark (1992)
Wall Mike (1991)
Waller Charlie (1991)
Ward John (1990)
Watson Greg (1996)
Watt Robert (1996)
Webb Nigel (1988)
Webb Tony (1989)
West John (1991)
Whateley Guy (1987)
Wheeler Craig (1995)
White Hamish (2004)
White James (2008)
Whitfield James (2004)
Wicks Alex (2004)
Will Ed (1986)
Williams Dominic (2001)
Williams Gerry (2003)
Williams Paul (1983)
Williamson Paul (2001)
Wills Mark (1994)
Wood Greg (1997)
Woolf David (1994)
Wray Andy (1996)
Wright Steve (1990)


Once upon a time he was a raging bull - steely-eyed, intimidating, ferocious, striking fear into the hearts of all opponents.

Look at him now. Relaxed, friendly, cuddly even. Popular with babes in arms and maiden aunts alike. Beware. Twenty five years of advertising rugby could do this to you too...